Monday, February 29, 2016

100th Day of School Kraziness (the good kind)

Have you had your 100th day yet?  Of course you have!  We are one of the states that begins school the latest, so while everyone is wrapping up their 100th day palooza, we're over here planning it.
100th day of school fun for all!  The students love all the activities involving 100!

Friends, it was kraziness for sure, BUT my kiddos loved it.  My colleague and I kept going into each other's classroom (we have a door that connects both our classrooms), to admire the smiles on the kids' faces.  It was truly a joy!
And apparently, it also brings 100 year old teachers :)  The reactions were so varied!  Some kids couldn't stop laughing (it didn't help that I was walking around like Quasimodo), and some kids just said "you are soooo weird" (insert loud laugh).

We started the day by making our 100 Day Smarter Crowns and our 100 Day Smarter Pennants. 
Can't have a 100th day celebration without 100th day crowns to seal the deal.Students love filling in their 100th day pennant to show how much smarter they've become over the last 100 days of school

We later hung up our pennants right outside our door for all to see!
Students love filling in their 100th day pennant to show how much smarter they've become over the last 100 days of schoolStudents love filling in their 100th day pennant to show how much smarter they've become over the last 100 days of school

We grouped by 10s and counted by 10s to 100.
Students love grouping by 10s using this count by tens activity for the 100th day of school

We filled in the 100 chart!  Woooohooo!
Fill it in!  Practice filling in the 100th chart for the 100th day of school

The kids loved to sort into groups of ten using Cheerios, dry beans, and pasta.  Oh so fun!
Want a fun way to count by 10s on the 100th day of school?  Group by tens using cheerios, dry beans or any fun manipulative you can get your hands on!Want a fun way to count by 10s on the 100th day of school?  Group by tens using cheerios, dry beans or any fun manipulative you can get your hands on!

We also played a game of Race to 100.  Students worked with a partner and a pair of dice.  Each partner took turns rolling the dice and coloring in the amount that they rolled.  Whoever got to 100 first was the winner.  It was so fast paced and kids were fired up.  I loved using the two dice because the kids had to add the two numbers rolled.  It was even more fun when we tried it with three dice. Addition with 3 addends?  Bring it on!
Race to 100 was a student favorite for the 100th day of school.

Search Time!!  Students needed to find how many there were of each object by coloring it in.  This was a crowd favorite for sure!
100 object search is so much fun!  How many of each item can the students find?  Fun 100th day of school activity.

What do you do on the 100th day when you have a SmartBoard and excited kids?  You do 100th day physical challenges of course!!
Get them moving on the 100th day of school with fun on the spot exercise challenges!
 It didn't matter what the kids were doing, I would yell "challenge time!" and display the challenge they needed to do.  I laughed so much and so did they.  They were always in anticipation of it.

Get them moving on the 100th day of school with fun on the spot exercise challenges!

How fun is a 100th day without bookmarks?  Ok, ok, it's still fun without them, but I wanted to make some for my kiddos :)
Teacher hack!  Glue the paper onto the laminating sheet to prevent the paper from sliding off as you insert in into the laminating machine!

100th day smarter bookmarks are great for the 100th day of school!

Ok, so I keep saying each thing was a favorite, and then I find something else they really enjoyed. 

Building with 100 blocks/cubes.  
"Look Mrs. Valdez, we are building a rainbow!"

Building with 100 cups.  Behold the circular castle built to protect the princess.

The second half of the day was spent on literacy activities and writing.
We discussed what we would like to have 100 of and what we would not like to have 100 of.  One of my kids would not like 100 poops!  It took everything in me to not crack up laughing, but hey, the kid knows what he doesn't want. He was so honest about it :)  
We ran out of time and couldn't finish, but we will finish it this coming week.  We will extend this into an opinion writing where students will say 100 ________ are better than 100 _______. They must give 3 reasons to support their answer.

Opinion writing on the 100th day of school will get the students excited to share their opinion and reasoning.       Opinion writing on the 100th day of school will get the students excited to share their opinion and reasoning.

The kids made predictions about where 100 steps outside of our classroom would take us.  The walk was much needed :)
Let's make predictions on the 100th day of school!  Where will 100 steps take me?

They went on a 100 word search...
Students love going on a scavenger hunt for 100 words for the 100th day of school.
...And did some wonderful "100 year old" writing.
When I am 100 years old writing.  Get the students imagination going as they write what their life will be like at 100.  Great for the 100th day of school.

When I am 100 years old writing.  Get the students imagination going as they write what their life will be like at 100.  Great for the 100th day of school.

We ended the celebration with what ended up being my favorite activity of the day.  My school is very big on engagement and accountable talk.  We promote inquiry based learning and work really hard so that the students use a growth mindset. 

We played a game of Would You Rather? and split up into groups of 4.  Students in each group had to discuss their preference and explain why.  It was so great to see kids engaged in conversation and using their accountable talk stems, such as "I agree with _____" or "I would like to add that ______".  Some of the groups still needed some guidance, but I could tell that they are definitely getting the hang of this.
A fun game of Would You Rather? gets the students talking and sharing their ideas on the 100th day of school.

A fun game of Would You Rather? gets the students talking and sharing their ideas on the 100th day of school.
After each group had their discussions, they presented their question and shared their discussion with the class.  Some groups needed me to guide them, but there was one group that did not need me at all. That, my friends, was one proud moment.  I can't wait to see ALL of my kiddos engaged in academic conversations without teacher probing and guiding.

Our 100th day was one VERY BUSY day, but we had so much fun!!  Most of all, a lot of learning took place.

Many of the activities (minus the stem-those were inspired by Brooke Brown) we did can be found in my 100th Day Pack in my store. 

If you already celebrated the 100th day and would like to celebrate the 120th day (I will!  So excited!), you can find the same activities in my 120th Day Pack.

How was your 100th Day Palooza?

Make sure to follow my blog to stay up to date with all the buggy happenings.

Hello Fonts were used in this blog post :)


  1. Nice! How did you fit so much into one day! You're super rad! Xo

    1. Hahaha thanks, Vero!! It was so much work but so worth it. It seems like a lot, but when we break up into centers and rotate, it is so much more manageable :)
      Can't wait to visit your classroom one day! *hugs*
