Wednesday, January 11, 2017

5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Classroom Organized and FREE LABELS!

I wish I could tell you my house is as organized as my classroom, but at the fear of my husband commenting on this post and saying otherwise, I'm going to err on the side of caution and not outright lie. There it is. I said it. My house is not the picture of perfection my colleagues probably imagine it to be.

Teaching in an unorganized classroom can be daunting. These 5 simple organization tip will make your teacher life easier.

My classroom, however, now THAT is where the magic of organization takes over. When my classroom is clean and organized, I feel like I am a better teacher. It can be very inconvenient to try and teach a lesson that is well planned but the materials are nowhere to be found. I want to share some simple strategies to help you stay organized. These strategies are especially helpful if you, like me, got rid of your teacher desk. Does that mean you should get rid of yours if you haven't?  By no means.  You have to do what works for you.

#1 Label all the things! Amiright?  In my book, labels make the world go round.  Not only do labels make life easier, but they also make things easily accessible for a sub or anyone else who is "visiting" your room.  It also helps students to know where everything is.  When looking on one of the shelves, students only need to look for a label to find what they need instead of inspecting every single bin (which they would probably love to do).
Not only do labels make life easier, but they also make things easily accessible for a sub or anyone else who is "visiting" your room.

Library labels make its simple for students to access and store books efficiently.

Library labels make its simple for students to access and store books efficiently.
The library labels can be found in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

#2 Teacher Toolbox

Honestly, I don't know who came up with this idea but whoever did is a genius in my book!  Since getting rid of my desk (the paper hoarding monster), I needed to come up with creative ways to store all my junk stuff.  I saw this idea on Pinterest and 2 minutes later I was in the car on my way to Home Depot and then on TPT to buy these beautiful labels from Teach Create Motivate.
This toolbox doesn't need anymore explanation-it's just fabulous.
A teacher toolbox is one of the best ways to stay organized and keep clutter off your desk.

#3 Binders, Binders, Binders

Binders should rule the world, y'all :)  I sometimes feel like I need a binder for my binders.  Years ago when we needed to put portfolios together, I learned to despise binders.  Later I discovered that binders were not here to torture me, but to make my life as simple as possible.  No more rummaging through stacks of papers.  As long as my binders have labels, I can easily grab what I need when running to the copy machine.  This is especially helpful on Thursday afternoons when I have to prepare my copies for the following week.
 No more rummaging through stacks of papers!  Binders with labels make accessing all important papers quickly- a breeze!

#4 Rolling Cart

This cart can be a little pricey, luckily Michael's is always having great sales.  This cart was originally $45 but with a sale and armed with a coupon, I got it for $20.  They also have them in bright colors as well as pastels.  I personally prefer the neutral look of this one because I can use it year after year even if I change my classroom theme-God forbid the cart doesn't match the class decor ::wink::  It's great because it can easily be moved and it's thin enough to fit into small spaces.

You can pretty much use this cart to store any papers.  In my class, we use it for independent work and centers.  I store my comprehension passages and some of the word work centers.  It's perfect for differentiating because students can access the drawer that you identify at the one they can use.  For example, I've seen other teachers label their drawers by color.  So based on what group each student is in, they can grab independent practice from the drawer that has their color label. 

A rolling cart makes it easier to organize papers and student work.  It is also a great addition to make your classroom student centered.

#5 Drawer Bins

I use these drawers to keep myself organized on daily teacher routines.  When I pull things out of my binder quickly to go copy, I sometimes don't have time to file it back into the binder. When that happens, I store the papers into the File Drawer and I pull it out when I have time during a prep.  As the day goes on, we always have things that come up.  We may need to copy or grade and keeping this drawer system ensures that I don't have papers stacked everywhere.  When it's my copying day, all I have to do is pull out the copy drawer.  

Want these labels?  They're yours! 
These Drawer Labels are my gift to you. 
Click on the picture of the bin to be taken directly to the labels.

FREE drawer labels for your drawer bins.  Drawer bins make teacher organization a breeze!

I also use the bigger drawer bins to organize posters for the focus wall.  I keep them under my computer table next to the focus wall.  Every Friday afternoon I look at my plans for the following week and I change out the posters based on our learning objectives.  The students always have a clear idea of the expectations.  

Drawer bins are extremely helpful to keep all your teacher paperwork organized.  They can also be used to store posters for a focus wall.

Drawer bins are extremely helpful to keep all your teacher paperwork organized.  They can also be used to store posters for a focus wall.

A focus wall helps to guide students in the direction of the lesson and have the end goal in mind.

 How do you stay organized?  Any ideas I could implement in my classroom?

Happy Teaching,

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Teaching in an unorganized classroom can be daunting. These 5 simple organization tip will make your teacher life easier.

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